Trying to setup Virtualmin hosting server with Paypal payment gateway, which supposedly should return the following parameters after successful payment by client: $domain_name, $configuration_template, $account_plan.
After this I’d like my server to automatically create a domain with returned parameters and in order to so going to use Virtualmin’s Remote Api, which gives the following example of php-script for ‘list-domains’ command:
<?php $result = shell_exec("wget -O - --quiet --http-user=root --http-passwd=pass --no-check-certificate 'https://localhost:10000/virtual-server/remote.cgi?program=list-domains'"); echo $result; ?>Of course, I need to replace ‘list-domains’ with ‘create-domain’ command, but digging further I’ve found out this command has lot’s of such parameters as:
<?php virtualmin create-domain --domain --pass password-for-unix-user | --passfile password-file [--parent | --alias | --superdom] [--desc description-for-domain] [--email contact-email] [--user new-unix-user] [--group new-unix-group] [--unix] [--dir] [--dns] [--mail] [--web] [--webalizer] [--ssl] [--logrotate] [--mysql] [--ftp] [--spam] [--virus] [--webmin] [--virtualmin-awstats] [--virtualmin-dav] [--default-features] | [--features-from-plan] [--allocate-ip | --ip virtual.ip.address | --shared-ip existing.ip.address] [--ip-already] [--dns-ip address | --no-dns-ip] [--max-doms domains|*] [--max-aliasdoms domains] [--max-realdoms domains] [--max-mailboxes boxes] [--max-dbs databases] [--max-aliases aliases] [--quota quota-for-domain|UNLIMITED] [--uquota quota-for-unix-user|UNLIMITED] [--bandwidth bytes] [--template "name"] [--plan "name"] [--limits-from-plan] [--prefix username-prefix] [--db database-name] [--fwdto email-address] [--reseller name] [--mysql-pass password] [--skip-warnings] [--field-name value] ?>Now, I really do not want to specify each parameter as it could mess with those I’ve already setup under Server Templates and Account Plans options via Virtualmin’s user interface. I hope there is simple way to feed the above-mentioned example script with just several parameters like $password, $domain_name, $configuration_template, $account_plan for all the detailed features to be picked up from already setup templates and plans.
What would be correct and simplified syntax for the create-domain command in my case? Would the following be sufficient or I really need to specify some other parameters:
<?php $password=substr(md5(rand().rand()), 0, 8); $result = shell_exec("wget -O - --quiet --http-user=root --http-passwd=passw --no-check-certificate '$domain_name&pass=$password&features-from-plan&limits-from-plan'"); echo $result; ?>Unfortunately, I could not find how I can specify which template to use for the script.