How to configure mail server on subdomains for smpt and imap?

Hi, I’ve installed VirtualMin twice already, just to get familiar with it. One thing I couldn’t manage to do is configure my server with these configurations.” - Wordpress website
admin subdomain - VirtualMin
imap subdomain - Dovecot server
smtp subdomain - Postfix Server
mail subdomain - Roundcube

Can you point me in the right path, I’m still getting familiar with Webmin/Virtualmin.

Maybe you should know, I’m on a DigitalOcean droplet.

If the Virtualmin hostname is, Virtualmin gives you the following by default when you create a virtual server: - Wordpress website
admin subdomain - VirtualMin
vps subdomain - Dovecot server
vps subdomain - Postfix Server
mail subdomain - used in mx record
webmail subdomain - Usermin

It is not a default option but roundcube can be set up as roundcube subdomain if you like.

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