How do I use protected directories function?

Other than linking me to the documentation and I am trying not to take up the developers’ time could someone walk me through the process of protecting a directory and then more importantly, how and what to use to log in. This function is not working as expected and no one has replied to any of my posts for months. The behavior I see is that one can password protect a folder, but no combination of username and password will allow access.

Since no one seems to have any answers at all, could someone please use the documented method and indicate if you are then able to log into a folder once it is protected, a username and its password has been assigned? This would at least confirm or deny whether my problem is isolated. It is not really acceptable to protect a directory and then the only way to access it is to delete the protection while working in it (in this case, PhpMyadmin directory at site’s tld) and then re-protect it when finished - knowing it protects even me from accessing it once protected. To anyone, I would be grateful to see if this feature works for you/others or not. That would be a step in the right direction after months of fiddling with no success on my servers and no responses here. Thank you in advance.


Hello, to protect directories, I use the webmin module to do it. Go to Webmin > Others > Protected Web Directories

There you’ll have all the options etc to set up protecting for directories.

This post gives detailed instructions: