How do I force Virtualmin to use http challenge for a new cert automatically

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 24.04.1
Webmin version 2.20.2
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Webserver version 2.4.58

Hi - in the environment I am in, I often dont have easy access to DNS to verify a domain for LetsEncrypt. I can manual challenges, but there are quite a lot of domains and its a pain.

Under Manage server/SSL/LetsEncrypt I get this message every 3 months:
Renewal failed due to DNS-based validation failed
I’ve googled quite a bit, and am just getting suggestions for running: certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges http
I just want to be able to force VirtualMin to do this - is there somewhere I can change it? I cant find it anywhere if so.

Any assistance would be wonderful

If Virtualmin isn’t responsible for DNS, you should tell it so.

Disable the DNS Feature in Features and Plugins. You’ll need to disable it for all domains with it enabled, as well.

Hi, so just to check, turn this off?

What other effect will this have? I havent used Virtualmin for quite awhile, so just relearning everything
thanks for your help so far

Is Virtualmin managing DNS for your domains? If not, you should not have that feature enabled. This is a generally true thing: If you aren’t using a feature, turn it off.

No, DNS is managed by the customers via a registrar or cloudflare. I’d disabled all the other features. Thanks heaps I shall proceed forthwith.

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