How can i install PHP 7.2 without removing the current PHP version 7.3++

OS type and version Debian 10
Webmin version 1.984
Virtualmin version 6.17-3
Related packages SUGGESTED
Webserver NGINX

Hello all,

I have 2 websites running on my server. One is a WordPress site and the other one is a PHP Script. WordPress site works just fine with my current PHP version 7.3.31 However, my other website has a compatibility issue so I really need to install an earlier version of the PHP 7.2

Can someone please guide me?

Thank you

Did you even try checking the docs?


Yes, I have but there is nothing showing about PHP 7.2. PHP 5.6 is very old and I don’t want to install it.

After enabling the repos for Debian 10, as described on the documentation, couldn’t you just run the following command to install it?

apt-get install php7.2-{cli,pdo,fpm,zip,gd,xml,mysql,cgi}
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@Ilia I will give it a try and see

Thank you

It worked I was able to install PHP7.2 without any problem :slight_smile:

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