How can I increase or remove quota limits


I was hving trouble uploading files through FTP
an it seems that I reached the quota limit.

My server supplier wrote me:

You have exceeded the quota for this user:

[root@heavyhoster install_menu]# quota guru54gt5
Disk quotas for user guru54gt5 (uid 534):
Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace
/dev/sda1 1048576* 1048576 1048576 31752 0 0

You should be able to increase, or remove, the quota limit in virtualmin

I have been looking in various places in WebMin and VirtualMin, but can not see where
I can increase these quotos.


How about going into System Settings -> Virtualmin Config, and on the first screen there is an option named “Set quotas for domain and mail users”.


Thanks for reply.
System Settings -> Virtualmin Config, Set quotas for domain and mail users".
is set to “YES” which is fine - I want to be able to set quotos.

I do not want to turn the ALL off.

What I would like to know is where do I increase the quota for a user.


You can do this with Virtualmin -> “Edit Virtual Server”

Yeah, going into Edit Virtual Server -> Quotas and limits will allow you to change the quota for your entire Virtual Server, or the admin user of your Virtual Server.

Or, to edit the quota for a specific FTP or Email user, you can go into Edit Mail and FTP Users, and choose the user you wish to edit.
