My main account (username: pixel_paul) does not allow posts on the forum (for some reason).
Could someone please have a look at it and sort it out?
In the mean time I still am having no joy with procmail-wrapper, apparently because noone can read my posts (they just get redirected to the home page)
My question is, how do I install procmail-wrapper if it did not get installed correctly when I upgraded to virtualmin pro?
Sorry for the inconvenience with the forums…I’m a bit frustrated with Joomla and its applications, myself. I’ve got an upgrade in progress, but there are so many dependencies, it’s taking forever (e.g. I can’t upgrade Joomla without upgrading all components, and I can’t upgrade any of the components without upgrading and customizing their bridges to Joomla, and in some cases, I’ve got custom code that ties things together that needs to be updated…it’s a mess and I don’t speak PHP so good).
As for the procmail-wrapper, just use the package manage to install it.
yum install procmail-wrapper
apt-get install procmail-wrapper
If that doesn’t do it, then there’s a bug in the upgrade process that doesn’t enable the software repo (or you’re on a system that isn’t supported by our repositories, and you’ll need to build it from source–you can find it at and setuid it).<br><br>Post edited by: Joe, at: 2008/02/12 09:15