Have changed domain name but get to many redirects

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6
Usermin version 2.102
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Theme version 21.20.7
Apache version 2.4.41
Package updates 21 package updates are available

I have changed domain on a Prestashop shop but I get the error too many redirects. I have empties cache and changed settings in cloudflare but I get the same error. Any hints?

This is a fault of the application you are using (almost certainly it’s corruption of the Apache .htaccess) nothing to doo with Virtualmin - which is probably working fine.

have you just installed Prestashop? how did you install it?

that seems quite a lot of things missing ?

No its packages I dont need, f.ex php 8.3.
I installed prestashop 7 years ago, now we use the fork Thirtybees which is latest version 1.5.1. Itskinstalled on a cloudvps from Contabo and has woked for the last 5 years.
What do you mean with corruption of the .htaccess? To avoid that I renamed the original one to old and created a new with minimum settings to be able to later recreate the file inside the shop. But unfortunately I have no access. I have also chaged the url in the shop to the new domain to avoid the redirect problem from that

More suggestions

sorry that was my anti Apache bias creeping in:
if it was a new install or even potentially an update of the core app it could have changed/added the .htaccess files forcing redirection + goodness knows what.

so this app uses php? a version < 8.3 - that shouldn’t be an issue. (as long as it is not < php 7.2.5) no idea about “Thirtybees”

Why is php 7 an issue. It uses 7.4 and work without flaws. So I cant change domain if its not php 8?

In cloudflare change the ssl certificate from flex to full, and see if it fixes it


As I said - No idea about “Thirtybees” or other ME2 copycats