Google Drive Backup fails after latest update?


I’ve set up a backup of all servers/features/locations to vps/virtualmin-%d-%m-%Y on my Google Drive on a 7 day cycle.

I had some issues with one of the servers being too large but other than that it seemed to be ok. I saw there was an update to Virtualmin and thought “lets give that a go”… now the backup fails with “Folder vps does not exist” but it is still accessible in Google Drive.

As a test I created a new backup - disabled the auto-delete and strftime-style name, and it started to copy across to a new folder - vps (1). I’m not sure if this is an issue with Google Drive’s oAuth or something else. Any help will be greatly appreciated :+1:

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Pro

Figured it out - the March Update changed the Google Drive integration (“Add Google Drive sub-folder support for backups and purging”) so I changed the path to a few different combinations to see what would work - turns out certain characters like whitespaces etc. may be the culprit. I changed to different path and it seems to be working. I’ll see how it goes by next weekend.

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