GLPI or another task/ticket software

I’m looking for an incident, ticket or task manager for a small IT company, I’ve been looking for options and I see that GLPI is used in many places, maybe it has many more things than I need, however network inventory scripts and so on I like, in short, I’m looking for recommendation about opensource programs that can do this, ??? recommendations
On the other hand to install GLPI if I do it in my domain of my Virtualmin PRO panel, I see that there is no script and I would have to do the normal installation, I see that it comments that it needs Mariadb instead of MySQL, and it mentions to activate some repository, I leave you the installation howto in case someone wants to comment me if it sees some problem in doing it in my domain of virtualmin or better to do it apart. ->


PD: I have Centos 7

check up those here :

I used osticket in past, I can recommend… you can do your own themes to match up your website look and branding… more info is here:

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Thank you unborn :wink:

I try install osticket in Virtualmin, have a install script but another error in Virtualmin to install scripts, the give me a http 500 error when install, i try to put php5 but fails too…

I will open a new case

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