FTP User Specific Directories

Good day,
I’ve been searching for this all evening and haven’t found anything relevant, the only things I’ve found are restricting ftp users to their home directory or the public_html directory. What I am looking for is being able to create multiple ftp accounts that have access to different directories. IE:

User1 gets access to /home/virtuaminuser/public_html/user1directory
User2 gets access to /home/virtuaminuser/homes/User2
User3 gets access to /home/virtualminuser/public_html/user3directory

Any help would greatly be appreciated.


If you wish to create a user in $HOME/homes/, you can do that in Edit Users -> Add a user to this server, and adding a new FTP user there.

To create a user in $HOME/public_html, you cna do that in Edit Users -> Add a website FTP access user.

To lock those users into those directories, you could then setup FTP Directory Restrictions, as described here:
