Hi guys
In Webmin> Others> is a feature Upload and Download> which allows you to move files to and form the server which is quite useful. However when you try to upload a complete file and folder structure you are unable to using the webmin/virtualmin interface unless you zip/tar the files and folders first. I can not for the life of me understand why an Upload and Download feature will not allow you to upload folders but it won’t.
The problem with uploading a zip/tar file and folder structure is that when you unzip/untar the files, the user and group are the same as before you zip/tar the files. In a complex file structure this can cause problems. For example if your virtual servers is running in FCGId mode and you unzip/untar wordpress to your virtual server you will find the files and folders are user “www-data” and group “www-data” where as the user and group should be your virtual servers user. To further the complexity, some of the files and folders have different permissions so you would have to change the user and group one folder at a time. A labourious task at best.
So I have thought about this for a while now and I think if you can not make the upload and download feature handle folders then it would be extremely useful to add an “ftp to server” tab to the Upload and Download and include an ftp client. An ftp client would make the webmin/virtualmin user interface far more useful to all.