Fresh Install, unable to get to config

Rocky Linux 9 REQUIRED
Latest Virtualmin REQUIRED


I’m fairly new to this and I’m just trying to test and decide for the future. I have installed using the curl instructions to my server and set a subdomain as host.

I have the A Record set to the subdomain and the IP to my freshly installed Rocky Linux VM.

After installing I can go to the IP address and it will load up my index.html in /var/www/html, but when putting port 10000 it will not load the configuration either through my ip address or the subdomain I set up.

No errors during the install, the port is open. I’m at a loss. If any more information needed please let me know.

Thank you.

Have you tried https://server.ip:10000

Yes, it just times out trying to reach it.

If you do the following command does it show port 10000 open

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Have you logged in via ssh and checked webmin is running if not try a restart and check miniserv.log for errors if it fails to start, in fact reviewing mniserv.log would be a good idea along with, if present, miniserv.error to start with. If i remember correctly those files are located at /etc/webmin

Port is open and webmin is running.

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/webmin.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-06-10 17:32:13 UTC; 56min ago

And I’m not seeing any log or error files in /etc/webmin

Have you checked there is something listening on port 10000 ? Another thing to consider if you are using cloudflare there are other hoops to jump through as cloudflare doesn’t open port 10000, I don’t know exactly you have to do as i don’t use cloudflare but it’s something like changing the port or turning the proxy off but if you search for cloudflare on this forum you will find a few topics on the subject

What happens if you reload the firewall?

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You can still access your server using the IP address and port.

Nothing is listening on port 10000.
I just went into gcp and set up the port in the firewall settings there.

Still nothing.

If there is another firewall before your server firewall? You need to make sure what ports are allowed to be open. As you can see your port 80 is working and you say all other ports are open on firewalld in Virtualmin/Webmin.

So what does
netstat -atunp |grep /perl
Give you

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1571/perl
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1528/perl
tcp6 0 0 :::10000 :::* LISTEN 1571/perl
udp 0 0* 1528/perl
udp 0 0* 1571/perl

So webmin is listening on port 10000 and usermin is listening on port 20000 as @cyberndt says this is most likley a firewall, perhaps at your service provider and for sure you need to open the ports in their firewall, most providers give you access to firewall setting via their interface. If this is behind a domestic router you will also have to open the ports and perhaps you will have to allow the box access to those open ports

Opened the port on my router and restarted the network. Still not allowing access.

I’m not understanding? Is Virtualmin installed on a home network? Google cloud? or other server/vps provider.

Need to know in order to help…

It’s installed on Google Cloud Platform on a fresh VM of Rocky Linux.

I’ve opened the port on everything I possibly can. I think I’m about to just give up.

It’s been about 3 years since I used GPC and back then they did not allow port 10000 and email ports as well, unless they have changed their free to use policy.

Try to find another vps provider that offers free hours. Linode I think still offers this.

Webmin logs are in /var/webmin. miniserv.error is probably the interesting one. But, I see no evidence Webmin isn’t running (and quite a bit of evidence it’s running fine). You probably just don’t actually have the port open somewhere. GCP requires you to open ports at their network layer…there may also be a firewall on the system itself, but that’s independent of the GCP firewall.

Based on all the evidence, it sounds like a firewall or network issue.

I got it, I added udp:10000 to gcp firewall settings and it worked.

Thank you all!