Fresh install, but didn't use MariaDB

I just performed a fresh server install on Centos8. I had read a post about installation on these forums that Virtualmin did not come with the database server it merely used what was provided by the different distros, apparently that has changed at some point.
I spun a fresh vps and installed MariaDB server then directly installed Virtualmin, when I look at the Server Status it states Mysql database server running.

Is there a way to install virtualmin without it changing the database server???

Please run mysql -V in the terminal. I think the GUI uses “MySQL” generically in that panel.


EDIT: Actually, you can just click on it in the Servers Status panel, and the next page will tell you the actual version of the MySQL server.

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The default for CentOS 8 is Mariadb 10.3 so that’s what the Virtualmin install script goes for. I’m not sure if the install script found and replaced your first Mariadb installation or if it added one. I think it’s more plausible that two versions are installed but Virtualmin only knows about 10.3.

There’s probably a way to manipulate what the install script does by excluding mariadb from the AppStream repo and enabling a third-party repo for a newer version. Is there a reason Mariadb 10.3 doesn’t work for you?

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His situation is the opposite. he wants MariaDB, but believes MySQL is running because that’s what Servers Status says is running. I suspect, however, that it’s just a generic reference to the MySQL server’s role, and that the actual MySQL server is MariaDB.

Hence my suggestion that he use mysql -V or simply click the link in Servers Status to determine the actual MySQL server that’s installed and running.


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Virtualmin treats MariaDB and MySQL identically (mostly), and most text in Virtualmin will use the term MySQL generically to refer to either database. On CentOS 8, Mariadb is the database you have if you use a default installation.

Don’t do that. Don’t pre-install, pre-configure, or anything else. It’s probably harmless, but the installer is wildly complicated and interacting with dozens of services and hundreds of system changes. If you change things from a fresh OS install, it may prevent the installer from being able to do what it was intended to do.

No, the install script has a list of dependencies that it always installs. (See GitHub - virtualmin/virtualmin-yum-groups: Group definition files for yum/dnf used by virtualmin-install on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora for what those dependencies are for each mode of the installer.)

But, you don’t need to do that. If you want Mariadb, and you’re using CentOS 8, you already have MariaDB. The UI is just calling it MySQL for historic reasons.


Ahhh… I get it now. The old software-that-can’t-decide-what-to-call-itself trick.

@urthllc, I didn’t understand why MySQL was installed before Virtualmin. The only reason for that I could surmise was for a newer version.

Thank you all, I should not have taken the chance with Centos 8 as it seems to be still missing lots of packages that I need and is very difficult to find right now. I’m going to drop back and use 7 so I will do a fresh install and hopefully everything will work this go around.
Thank you all for responding!

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I replaced MySQL with MariaDB on Ubuntu 18.04 with Virtualmin already installed. You can also try the same after installing Virtualmin.
You can refer to this article on how to replace MySQL with MariaDB with Virtualmin Installed. It’s for Ubuntu 18.04 but I hope it helps somehow.

How To Replace MySQL with MariaDB with Virtualmin Installed

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