Forum search has arrived!

Howdy all,

I’ve finally added a custom search form for the forums on the main forum page. (click “Forums” in the main menu, and the search forum will be under the Forums header and above the list of forum categories).

This search will only return results from within the forums. So, it may not be the best option, if you’re looking for information about a problem (for which you’d probably want results from the docs, too). The full site search is also always available by clicking “Site Search” at the bottom of the page, which also allows specifying the kinds of content on the site to search.

Thanks for your patience on this one. I had planned to port over my old search implementation from the old site (which I’d built myself), but Drupal 7 is difficult for me to grok on a lot of fronts, and I found that an off-the-shelf thing worked better (I’m using “Custom Search Blocks” with a small amount of customization in our theme and stylesheets, for those who might be using Drupal and want to do the same sort of thing).

I’ll also be adding a docs-specific search form on the docs page soon…maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

I think this brings us to a point with the forums where everything is now better than the old site (certainly there are several new features that weren’t on the old site). If I’m wrong about that, and we’re still missing some old functionality, let me know.

