Forgot Password

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.30.4


I installed “webmin-virtualmin-password-recovery” (v1.12) and the recovery buttons appear on the login form for both “Virtualmin” and “Usermin” as expected.

When I click “Forgot your Usermin password” for instance, the form is displayed, well very ugly.

The same is true for “Virtualmin” version of the form.

I guess my question is, is this intentional, or is there something wrong with the module?


Reviewing the source code of the page generated, it seems like the HTML is referencing some style classes, but there is no stylesheet being referenced in the output, which seems like it could be the cause of the plain, ugly output. As if stylesheets are missing that would allow the page to take on a look similar to the rest of the panel.

Also, I get the impression like the “Forgot Password” screen was intended to show up in a “popup” but the way Chrome and many other browsers work these days, it ends up showing in a “new tab” instead.

Possibly it’s attempting to use theme CSS that’s not available for users who aren’t logged in yet?

You should be able to see this in the developer console in your browser…

@Jamie, do you remember we agreed to integrate password recovery into the Webmin core? Any progress on that? I recall you mentioned wanting to take a look at it…

It’s still on my TODO list … but regardless, the issue of accessing theme CSS files when the user is not logged in would still exist.


There are no stylesheets being referenced in the produced HTML code.

@Jamie @Ilia,

I hacked together a stylesheet to closely resemble the dark theme of Virtualmin. It’s rough around the edges, but at least makes the page look like it belongs for now.

Inserted a “print” statement into “index.cgi” at after line “40” and into “usermin.cgi” after line “18” though again, this is just a hack so I’m sure it could done better in an official way.

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I looked into this, and the next release of the forgotten password plugin will have proper theming.


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