Operating system Ubuntu Linux | 24.04.1
Webmin version | 2.202
Virtualmin version | 7.30.4
Apache Webserver | 2.4.58
I am working on a Python-based Flask API, and all its files are located on a subserver/subdomain. When I try to access the API through the subdomain(URL), it returns a 403 error stating, “Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access this resource.” However, when I access the same API using the local or public IP, it opens and works perfectly.
Presumably you’ve got an application server serving the Python, and presumably that’s on a port, and when you say it “works using the local or public IP” you mean you’re also using the port?
If so, you need to proxy to your application. You may be able to use Proxy Paths in the Virtualmin GUI, or you may need to do something more complicated (depending on expectations of your application wrt URLs and such).
You should not put Python applications in public_html.
Users have no business in the Python, and Apache cannot do anything useful for Python files.
Only static files (HTML, CSS, images, etc.) belong in public_html. Python isn’t like PHP, it doesn’t live in the document root, it’s got its own web server which should be serving the application on a port on localhost (or, better, a socket), and the web server should proxy to it.
I saw that, and already answered. That’s not where Python files belong. Python runs under an application server, not Apache. So, they don’t need to be in the document root, and since they don’t need to be in the document root, they should not be in the document root (for safety, if you make a mistake in your configuration files, your files could be or become visible to users).
The reason it’s not working is not related to where the files are. The reason it’s not working is because you’re expecting Apache to run Python, and that’s not how it works. You need an application server, and presumably you have one running since you said you can access it on the IP (with a port, I guess). You need to proxy to that application server.
I’m also telling you to not do something potentially dangerous. Get your files out of public_html. They don’t belong there.
I’m repeating myself, though. Please just re-read what I’ve already written. I have told you what you need to do, multiple times.