Floating IP (Hetzner) and DNS-Settings - help understand the workflow

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.5
Webmin version 2.010
Usermin version 1.860
Virtualmin version 7.3
Theme version 20.10
Package updates All installed packages are up to date

I have an Server on Hetzner, which has the IP 49.12.xx.xx AND a FloatingIP: 78.47.xx.xx.
I’ve configured Virtualmin Addresses & Networking > Shared IP Addresses in this way:

If I do create a new Virtual-Server and keep all “IP-Settings” as it is:

If I look into the DNS-Records I found the general IP Address of the Server, instead of the floating-ip:

I think apache should listen on the floating-ip for this domain… else it wouldn’t make sense to have an floating-ip, or am I wrong?

May the issue be caused of a miss-configuration of my virtualmin, or is it needed to set IP address and forwarding > External IP address manually for each new Virtualserver I do setup?

BTW: If I go to Edit Virtual-Server I see this:

And if I go to Change IP Address I see this:

Isn’t it strange, that on the last Dialog External IP address is manually set to 49.12.xx while 78.47.xx is described as Same as real address?

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