Filesystem - How do I know it is correct and that my sites uses it

I have what we would call an /sda and and /sdb , two raids. All seems to be ok, sda is used for system and is a Raid 1 of two SSD’s .

I don’t want my webs to go there so I have defined my second RAID5 - a 7TB array of 14 2,5" drives - but how to verify it is actuallt correctly setup? I define storage areas when creating my virtual servers and default is /home/[servername] and that ends up being in sda where I do not want it.

This is how my 7TB RAID5 looks like after som fiddling, I named it “terabyte” on purpose:

Maybe, adding to the confusion I made most of this in Cockpit and it shows up in Webmin but I am not sure where to do it for it to be correctly setup. Both systems seems to detect the drives properly yet I am unfamiliar with disk/partition/storage pools in this environment. I do know the concept, been doing these things in Windows on an off for many years but here I am just confused.

sorry, but still at a loss here…

where is a guide to this anyhow?

On linux you can put /home anywhere. You just need to move the /home mount point to Vol2.

Im not to familiar with LVM but research “move /home to LVM”. Should give you some info.

If coming from windows, mount points will be weird concept to grasp. linux doesn’t care where folders are. For example, Vol2 currently shows up on the file system at the location /terabyte. You could mount home there instead or you could make new folder under it like /terabyte/home. Then mount /home to /terabyte/home. Thus you still see all the file system but when clicking on or browsing to /home, it will actually take you to /terabyte/home. Almost like a windows shortcut but for the back-end OS.

Again, research it. Fairly easy to do but not easy to grasp for windows user. I struggled with the concept for quite a while until it made sense all of a sudden one day.

I get mount points. Just not very clear here.
Sure I can research, but I am wrong in looking for a Webmin based Manual?

Since /home location is set by default in the base OS, this is not really a webmin thing. More of a OS thing.

I didn’t mean to sound like didn’t want to help. Just not enough info on where to start for you. What OS you on? I could help with Ubuntu. others maybe could help with other OS’s.

Hey, don’t worry @scotwnw things are obviously non standardized and confusing in this little *nix world… :upside_down_face:

It’s on the recommended OS, CentOS 8.2, I have no access to the OS but via Cockpit, it is a Core Server version. Well, yes I can access terminal direclty on the computer, but it is in my garage that is a cold place.

You can access the server’s terminal remotely from anywhere.
If your desktop is windows, use something like putty to ssh into the centOS server.
If your desktop is any linux desktop, open a local terminal and type “ssh user-name@server-ip”. That will connect you to garage server terminal just as if you’re sitting in front of it.

Sure but how would that help me with the original question?

And I suddenly realized that somehow the last setup did not overwrite nor delete the old volumes ,when installing CentoS, so all logical volumes are doubled up…

Fortunately it is an easy fix since I have done just about nothing to the system awaiting answers to my other questions…

delete everything twice this time

( I know for sure I told CentOS installer to reclaim volumes and delete all but somehow I never checked when installing Virtualmin, nor did Virtualmin tell me anything about it)

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