File manager for Webmin

Is it likely to work under FreeBSD? And if not what would be required to get it to work?

I did not test Filemin under FreeBSD, but it is oriented on UNIX-like so I think it must work. I’ll try to deploy FreeBSD box for testing purposes and will make sure it is. Wait few days for 0.9.2 release :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say “as fast as it gets”, but it’s acceptably fast. :wink:

We do plan to do some performance work on Authentic in the coming weeks, but even now it should be usably fast even on modest server hardware. The client-side might be a little sluggish if you’ve got a very old phone or tablet or something.

Thanks, much appreciated.

If you need someone to test it on FreeBSD I’d be happy to help.

I’ve just received 4 updates about new comments to this thread and have to say it is impossible to find them unless they have been posted at the bottom! Is it possible to link the email directly to the referenced comment?

:smiley: so it can get even faster? Hooray, hail the almighty TUX!

Yeah - told Ilia a few times, works pretty poor even on good hardware (Nexus 6 phone and Nexus 7 tablet) in Firefox mobile and Android 5.x. But he just can’t reproduce it. No problems elsewhere, not on the desktops/notebooks.

I edited my etc/.bash_profile file in filemin and when I subsequently logged in via SSH I received an error that ‘\r’ was found, unexpected end of file.

I was able to fix it with dos2unix, but wonder if filemin caused the problem and if so should it be using unix eol characters?

Might have been caused by cut and paste?

Yes, I’ve encountered this once too, while saved file from winduz PC. Can you, please, create a new issue here I will try to fix it in next minor release.

I created a ~/.ssh directory from ssh, using…

mkdir ${HOME}/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh

… but can’t see it in FileMin.

Should I be able to see it?

Yes, you must see it Filemin. Who’s the owner of the folder?

Thanks, I think you can ignore this. I was logged in as root via ssh, and executed the above commands. I thought it created the folder in the parent folder for root, but maybe it didn’t?

Yeah, so do I!

Well, I can’t tell you, what exactly happened, you’re the master of your server :slight_smile:
But I see my /root/.ssh folder with 700 permissions :wink:

Did Google remove java functionality because it’s an insecure dying language? Java has many times seemed clunky in general.

I like this new slick file manager and, I also like the old clunky but very useful Java file manager. The old file manager has a great Grep function to grep for contents of files etc. I have secretly wished the grep window would stay open after you click a found file so you could inspect other found files without needing to redo the search.

I also found it is good for moving large amounts of files since it seems to operate like a shell move command. Just cut a large folder and paste it in the new location and it is an instant operation.

Copy and Paste of large folders is very fast too.

you can use the copy paste function within the same folder and it will ask you to give a new name so before you begin work on a folder of .css files for instance you can make a quick dupe of the folder. I’ve used it for years and really like it, even though it is kind of clunky in it’s operation.

Your new Perl based file manager is very slick and I like it a lot and would like it even better if it had similar grep functions and other functions of the Java file manager has.

I like winscp because it moves large folder very fast like the java file manager does but you have to have the tree in a position where you can drag a large folder to the new location. With the Java file manager you just cut then go to the new location and paste and presto, instant move.

Pros and cons as you can see.

Winscp works so well I find myself using it under Wine in Linux. Even scp under gFTP isn’t the same. So for some stuff, I waffle between MidnightCommander, the Java File Manager and WinSCP.

Thanks for developing this new File Manager. I would love for this new Slick FileManager to be the winner in all areas. I’ve tried a lot of them and still go back to the clunky old Java file manager.

Feature request:

Would you consider implementing a “Compress & Download” feature, with an nice icon, for the folders? It would save us from writing huge scp commands (my usual paths are between 5 to 10 folders deep omg, why am I doing that?), and the users to quickly download whole directories. The old File Manager was sporting this one :slight_smile: and no one will ever be able to tell you there is something missing from that dreadful Java applet :slight_smile:


It is planned for 1.0 release


I created a new user, and converted them to a linux user, as per this link…

…and found in Filemin that I couldn’t go to their parent folder/s. If I connect to FTP as this user I can visit their parent folder/s.

If I change the configuration in Webmin for this user so their parent folder is / then I can see parent folders in Filemin, but I think this now prevents me logging in with SSH keys.

Is there an easy way for new users to browse to parent folder in Filemin?


What’s “parent folder”?


…anything above userfolder

ACL is coming in next minor release, this will solve your problem :wink: