File manager for Webmin

Authentic theme looks nice, but is awfully slow - 10 seconds to get any page to display…

This is not true, at least for the vast majority of us; you might have really old hardware, network issues, a slow server, problems with the local drivers and so on. Authentic is as fast as it gets.

I tried on another server, it is fine actually - yet slower, but OK.
The one I tried was an older server, though powerful. Strangely, it is now as fast as the new one…

This does not work, at least at fresh Debian 8.
Access validation is done by user name ‘root’ now.
I’ve created a user, added him to /etc/sudoers and nothing. He did not become admin :)))

Version 0.9.1 is out. Some fixes and improvements added.
Full list of changes here:
Ready to install versions here:
PS: all users except root are still locked in $HOME, this issue requires some investigation to be implemented correctly.

What is the procedure to update?

Automatic update procedure is not available yet.

You have two options

  1. Go to "Webmin - Webmin Configuration - Webmin Modules - Delete", find Filemin(v0.9) and delete it, then in "Install" select "From FTP or URL" and paste this link, this whole procedure is needed to be sure that's module updated correctly, as there're some issues while updating module like this.
  2. If you're on Debian or Ubuntu you may download this to your server and install module with dpkg

Thanks! :smiley:

Rename, chmod and chown now working with the jQuery-UI dialogs (although the chown one doesn’t seem to get the current settings filled, but it’s not a biggie :wink:

Good work, thanks again!


Almost all operations on right top toolbar are oriented on multiple entries, that means you can for example select ten folders and twenty files and “chown” them all in one go. In such scenario it is not obvious who might the default owner be, that’s why “chown” and “chmod” look kinda dumb right now.
Imagine that you have files belonging to Martin and files belonging to John and you want the new owner of all that bunch to be Lewis. Chown functionality can not even imagine what are you trying to do and who might the new owner be, so it is left empty. And “rename” functionality is single intry oriented, that’s why we can set default while procedure initiated, there can not be file or folder with the same name anyway :)))

Thanks for the help.
I did installed this new version, but icons have gone.

Very good!
Thanks a lot

Thanks, nice update! A small issue: in my case, some of the directory icons are not there, and I get an icon with a question mark…

For the Webmin/Virtualmin team: can we move this file manager to a more convenient location? I mean you really need it everywhere so it’s not cool, nor very ergonomic to click Webmin > Others > Filemin every time you try to get to it…

Or maybe we should talk to Ilia to get a link down (where info, logout and stuff are) in his Authentic theme? In the previous versions we had a shortcut menu, now gone.

Any ideas how can we ease access and highlight this important feature, where exactly can you put the link? At least for my Virtualmin clients is a very important one. For this reason I still think a tree panel with the folders on the left side (in the page, the right frame) of Filemin might be important. But it is of course your decision.

If you use authentic theme update it to latest, it is a theme issue :slight_smile:

Or just refresh page few times, it must help :slight_smile:

There’s issue I cannot resolve. If I add Filemin to list of availavle modules For Virtualmin users it is accessible, but not shown under Virtualmin’s “Webmin Modules” category. I’ll try to resolve it shortly.

That was the problem.

The link posted above Posted: Fri, 2015-05-29 08:13 is the first that has worked for me, I look forward to giving it a try!

Is there any problem deleting the old filemanager module. I’ve already deleted it as it was only throwing up a security warning for me anyway?

Well, if you already deleted it and everything works fine, then no problems at all :smiley:

I normally don’t shoot first and ask questions later! :slight_smile:

I’m new to Virtualmin/Webmin so not sure if I’m missing anything by deleting the old filemanager, I guess I’ll find out soon enough!?

Actually AFAIK no module depends on File Manager as on Filemin too. So deleting one of theese leads to only one thing: you lose functionality provided by this module. That’s good thing about modular design :slight_smile: