Feature question: does virtualmin provide a database interface for account-holders?

Hi. I’m shopping around for hosting control panels to test out.

I’m just wondering: does Virtualmin provide a web interface that lets account holders manage a database?

By “account holder”, I mean a user to whom the administrator has created an account for.


OS type and version Ubuntu 20.04
Virtualmin version Not installed yet


The Webmin MySQL or PostgreSQL module can provided to domain owner users. You or the domain owner may also choose to install phpmyadmin or phppgadmin, if that’s preferred or more familiar.


I’d also recommend “adminer” which supports:

  • MariaDB / MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

Along with a few other databases…

*** If you only need support for “MariaDB / MySQL” they’ve got a smaller version for that. ***

@Joe not sure why this PHP app has so often been overlooked…


I’ve seen it mentioned occasionally, I guess, but most folks ask for phpMyAdmin, I guess because it’s been known for longer.

I’m partial to the Webmin MySQL module, but it’s just what I’ve always used. I find phpMyAdmin confusing. Never looked at Adminer, but it seems very simple to install, so it’s entirely plausible we could add it to Install Scripts.


The thing about it is, there is NO installing… You literally drop the file (single file) in place, and it just works.

If you want get a bit more fancy, you can also drop in one of the many stylesheets which is basically an override file causing the theme to adjust accordingly.

You can also add another layer to it, allowing you implement plugins with minimal effort.

But again, the core product itself is enough to be satisified for most people. Super powerful, yet simple!

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