Fake CPU Load in Virtualmin Dashboard

OS type and version Debian Linux 12 / Linux 6.1.0-23-amd64 on x86_64
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
CPU AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor, 8 cores
RAM 32Gb

Hi everyone. Got an interesting bug or I don’t know.
In the main page I see chart with 100% CPU load.
But in fact I have much less cpu load.

When it was a fresh install, as i remember it works ok. But after some time get permanent 100%
Once I saw 101% Cpu load.
Possibly it happened after I installed dragonfly

Real data. Similar to top in command

Sorry for multipost. Forum doesn’t allow to make few media.

Hello @seosmmbusiness and welcome to the community.

You don’t know; it’s not a bug.

Virtualmin is a mature product so it is unlikely that a newbie will spot a bug in Virtualmin that the rest of the community (of over a million installs) has missed.

The Virtualmin dashboard can be configured to show real-time stats or this feature can be disabled. Have you disabled real-time stats via theme configuration? If so, the Virtualmin dashboard will show stats as at one point in time - and that would explain why you see what you see.

Yeap. That definitely Dragonfly DB. Removed it and now it’s normal. Sorry for hesitating.

It’s not fake. It’s just taken at a moment when CPU really was being used a lot (probably loading the dashboard the first time…takes only a split second on a reasonably powerful machine, but the first CPU usage poll is done during that process).

One could argue we should start at 0% and then climb up on the second polling time, since most people think of averages rather than instantaneous CPU usage.

The new version of Authentic, with stats delivered over WebSocket, will be much more efficient.


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