Failed to save virtual server : Missing file to read at apache::./ line 648

OS type and version AlmaLinux 8 64bit
Webmin version Last (probably)
Virtualmin version Last (probably)
Related packages I don’t know
I host with Hostinger and they don’t really want to give me information on versions!

Hello, I have a fairly simple question but I haven’t found any answer on the forum: How to resolve the error
Failed to save virtual server : Missing file to read at apache::./ line 648 [../ line 3814]
that occurs when you modify the root document of an Apache web server (on Virtualmin of course)?

Sincerely if you find me a solution it will save my life! Thanks in advance!

(And I’m French so thank Google Translate for this message)

That’s because it’s not a simple question.

I’d guess it’s a misconfiguration or a messed up installation, but I can’t really say based on that error alone.

How did you install Virtualmin?

Firstly I would not trust anyone (and I especially I mean anyone) to install Webmin/Virtualmin (it is GPL so could be altered prior to delivery) So be sure to install it yourself as per the docs and not any other source.

When done all you need to do is go to the “System Information Page” Dashboard and in the top-right there is an icon provided to copy the required information to the clipboard to paste into the start of any post on here. Without that information it is difficult to provide an answer to any question.

It is important to remember that posts here (just like any forum/blog software) remain topical way beyond the life of the software versions on which they discuss. This results in a large amount of stale (and therefore potentially inappropriate responses) being returned by internet searches.

Given that I host with Hostinger, I have the choice on their panel between OS and OS with panel: I therefore chose OS with panel and, seeing “AlmaLinux 8 64bit with Virtualmin”, I said to myself that it seemed the best OS! I just had to click “Install OS” and it gave me the IP of the panel!

(Sorry for the French UI)

All VM providers give you the choice of OS.

Some give you the choice of System Control Panel (that they pre install) The simple fact it is THEM doing the install suggests that they are potentially tinkering with the process. (why?) because they can, or is it to stop you having control. It is the “because they can” that is the red flag to me. and made even more concerning by your statement

Why are they trying to hide the version information of Webmin/Virtualmin? Is it because they are using a version already out-of-date? or have they changed something in it?

Personally, my choice would be to install the latest version of the OS available and, if needed, upgrade it.

THEN install WM/VM. Simple enough. But go with the latest OS version first. Upgrade if needed.

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I don’t know. We have rarely seen a preinstalled Virtualmin actually work. I don’t know why hosting providers seem incapable of installing Virtualmin (it’s super easy!), but they all seem to fail at it.

I wish there were hosts that offered preinstalled Virtualmin that wasn’t messed up from the start, but I don’t know of any.

I recommend you start with the freshly installed OS (the current version is recommended) of your choice (Rocky or Alma 9 if you like RPM-based mostly RHEL-compatible distros) and use our installer to install Virtualmin on it. It only takes a few minutes, it’s very easy to do, and you only need to read one page of documentation in the usual case.

And, after you do that, assuming there are no errors, you will almost certainly have a functional Virtualmin installation.


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