Keep getting this error randomly lately. 3 times already. A problem was detected with your Virtualmin license :
Failed to contact licence server : HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable A renewal can be purchased at Virtualmin Shop
If I click Re-check license status, the error is cleared.
To me it looks like a problem on the remote server.
@Joe or @Ilia Could you please check the license server for @inteq as there’s a possible issue with it. They’re getting connection issues - 503 Service Unavailable error as a response from it.
@jimr1 The user inteq is stating its coming in response from the remote server. The user wouldn’t only have to alter their firewall to have this issue. This status code as part of a response can only come from the remote computer not your computer.
They are saying that this is occurring on an intermittent basis, from the remote server. This error occurs if the remote server is overwhelmed or has maintenance occurring on it.
The HTTP status code 503 error occurs when the remote server from your device can be contacted, but is unable to service (handle) your request.
It’s happening for @inteq intermittently, so given the 503 Service Unavailable error from HTTP response by the server. It must be when the server’s getting overwhelmed with requests, anything in the logs about it being overwhelmed by requests?
There’s a bug we haven’t fixed yet that could be causing this issue. I don’t have access to the server yet to confirm, but Joe should know the details.
@Joe It was there this morning, and it wasn’t there the last time I logged in (sometime this weekend). Is there a log file I could check to see if it was after Saturday?
I’m not sure where the logs appear for that. Maybe in miniserv.error.
But, I’m confident the shape of the problem is different, if it is still a problem. The problem previously required a restart of the fcgiwrap service to resolve it. I haven’t restarted fcgiwrap at all since the switch. So, if we still have a problem, it’ll be something different, and I’ll have to figure out a new way to reproduce it or find clues in our logs (maybe with the IP of someone who is experiencing the problem). But, I want to make sure we still have a problem.
@Joe I don’t know if you have been playing around with the licenses server, but I one of my servers did have the " A problem was detected with your Virtualmin license" errors just now.
If this is for the ****724 license, then you shouldn’t be using it on two different servers, as the Virtualmin Pro license is intended for use on only one server.