Fail2ban postfix/sasl but still spammers

OS type and version CentOS 7 64bit
Virtualmin version 7.2
Webmin version 2.001

Hello everyone,

I have a problem on my server.
I have 2 ip’s trying to connect to my mail server.

A few lines from my mail.log:

Oct 10 14:23:11 530 postfix/smtpd[14530]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
Oct 10 14:23:12 530 postfix/smtpd[16505]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
Oct 10 14:23:12 530 postfix/smtpd[14530]: disconnect from unknown[]
Oct 10 14:23:12 530 postfix/smtpd[16505]: disconnect from unknown[]
Oct 10 14:23:15 530 postfix/smtpd[17261]: connect from unknown[]
Oct 10 14:23:15 530 postfix/smtpd[17261]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Oct 10 14:23:16 530 postfix/smtpd[18128]: connect from unknown[]
Oct 10 14:23:16 530 postfix/smtpd[18128]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Oct 10 14:23:16 530 postfix/smtpd[16505]: connect from unknown[]
Oct 10 14:23:16 530 postfix/smtpd[16505]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Oct 10 14:23:17 530 postfix/smtpd[18123]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

And I don’t understand why my fail2ban doesn’t work, since it seems that the IPs are blacklisted. Here are some lines from my fail2ban.log

2022-10-10 14:29:46,381 fail2ban.actions [417]: WARNING [postfix-sasl] already banned
2022-10-10 14:29:46,515 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:46
2022-10-10 14:29:47,268 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:47
2022-10-10 14:29:49,002 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:48
2022-10-10 14:29:49,766 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:49
2022-10-10 14:29:52,124 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:50
2022-10-10 14:29:59,021 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:51
2022-10-10 14:29:59,022 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:52
2022-10-10 14:29:59,055 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:54
2022-10-10 14:29:59,058 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:54
2022-10-10 14:29:59,076 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:56
2022-10-10 14:29:59,086 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:58
2022-10-10 14:29:59,086 fail2ban.filter [417]: INFO [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-10 14:29:58
2022-10-10 14:29:59,593 fail2ban.actions [417]: WARNING [postfix-sasl] already banned
2022-10-10 14:29:59,593 fail2ban.actions [417]: WARNING [postfix-sasl] already banned

Do you know how to fix this?


A common issue for fail2ban rules not being used correctly are that the software is incorrectly configured to write the wrong type of firewall rules. If you run iptables, make sure it’s using iptables rules, and if you are using firewalld make sure it’s using rules for that. Detection of an issue is only the first half of what fail2ban does, so if it’s improperly configured it won’t actually protect.

On a side note, it’s also possible that the block time is too short, so it gets blocked for say a few minutes then unblocked. Adjust accordingly on a per rule basis, or globally.

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Normally my firewalId is disabled.

But I don’t know how to check for IPtables.


Hi there,

now you have your answer. If firewalld is disabled, Fail2Ban can not apply the correct rules (actually, it can not apply any rule) to ban an IP.
You disabled your Firewall? That’s actually not a good idea to operate your server without any…


Send a screenshot of “Linux Firewall” screen… If that is enabled you don’t need to enable FirewallD as they do the same thing just in a different way.

Assuming Linux Firewall (aka iptables) is running and configured, the next step would be to potentially adjust the fail2ban rules to create the correct firewall rules.

Thank you for your answers.

Here is my linux firewall:

Looks like the firewall is not running to me I only see the bottom box activate at reboot when it’s not running & switched off no wonder fail2ban fails

so I set activate at boot to on.
I did Apply configuration.

But now I have no access at all to the webmin, or even to the front of my website. Even after rebooting the VPS.

However via ssh my webmin indicates an active status.

sounds like you have banned yourself

use fail2ban-client to remove your IP from the jails that are being blocked
use fail2ban-client status to find running jails then use

fail2ban-client status <jail name> 

then see if your IP is in the ban list for whichever jail and then remove it

there is only the sshd jail that has banned ip.
But in list there is not mine.

I tried to access my site via my phone to have another ip and it is inaccessible too.

I have disabled my firewall via ssh:

iptables stop service

and everything is working again.

So there is something wrong with the settings but I can’t figure out what.

This shouldn’t be the case if Virtualmin was installed using an official installer.

The possible fix is:

service iptables stop
yum remove iptables-services
virtualmin-config-system -i=Fail2banFirewalld

When done, check if FirewallD is running:

systemctl status firewalld

… and restart fail2ban just in case:

systemctl restart fail2ban

Thank you for solving this problem.

But in my fail2ban log file I still have a lot of lines like this:

2022-10-13 15:15:44,971 fail2ban.filter         [19080]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-13 15:15:44
2022-10-13 15:15:45,472 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:45,841 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [sshd] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:46,296 fail2ban.filter         [19080]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-13 15:15:46
2022-10-13 15:15:48,343 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:48,547 fail2ban.filter         [19080]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-13 15:15:48
2022-10-13 15:15:48,708 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [sshd] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:51,365 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [postfix-sasl] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:51,780 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [sshd] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:53,665 fail2ban.filter         [19080]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-13 15:15:53
2022-10-13 15:15:55,080 fail2ban.actions        [19080]: NOTICE  [sshd] Restore Ban
2022-10-13 15:15:59,185 fail2ban.filter         [19080]: INFO    [postfix-sasl] Found - 2022-10-13 15:15:59

What is wrong with these lines? It looks expected.

Ha ok, thanks a lot.

As I have new logs again every second I thought I was still having incessant attacks.

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