Error on installation on fresh server

On install by root:
sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- --bundle LAMP

I have an error:

▣▣▣▣ Phase 4 of 4: Configuration
[1/21] Configuring AWStats                                                   ⚠ 
[2/21] Configuring Apache                                                    ✔ 
[3/21] Configuring Bind                                                      ✔ 
[4/21] Configuring ClamAV                                                    ✔ 
[5/21] Configuring Dovecot                                                  ▒▒▒[26/Aug/2024:19:07:17 +0300] Missing file to read at dovecot::/usr/share/webmin/dovecot/ line 303 (line 3871)
Missing file to read at dovecot::/usr/share/webmin/dovecot/ line 303 (line 3871)
▣▣▣ Cleaning up

[SUCCESS] Installation Complete!
[SUCCESS] If there were no errors above, Virtualmin should be ready
OS type and version debian 12
Webmin version fresh
Virtualmin version fresh
Webserver version fresh
Related packages SUGGESTED

Is this error report posted by a bot or human?

A human would interact with the community like everyone else who seeks assistance. A bot would be unable to do that.

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Did dovecot start?

Could just be lazy poster, my pet hate.

No, the system is fresh, nothing is installed or running yet.

Human, of course. What do tyou mean?

The installation fails at step 5 with an error.

I have re-run the install script when it failed and had it complete the second time around, but, that wasn’t on Debian 12 which is still relatively new but others seem to have installed it without problem.

I restarted the script several times - the result is the same.
Also, I have already installed virtualmin on debian 12 before - no such problems were observed.

root@main:~# ls -lath  /usr/share/webmin/dovecot/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16K Aug 11 20:12 /usr/share/webmin/dovecot/
root@main:~# locate

Yes, it’s present, but error on line 303. See my first message:

Missing file to read at dovecot::/usr/share/webmin/dovecot/ line 303

I think @Ilia would be the one to ask about this one?

This error indicates that the config file for Dovecot doesn’t exist or that Dovecot detection by Webmin failed because the installation was not performed on a supported system.

@VVS What you could try is run apt-get purge dovecot to remove Dovecot, and then re-run the Virtualmin installer.

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