Error message after problems with Postfix

For some reason my postfix blew up on centos 5.2. I already had one website up and running and when I reinstalled postfix it doesn’t see the email user id’s that were originally created and it will not create new websites. It gives me this error.

Creating administration group songvestdev …
… administration group was created but does not exist!

Failed to create virtual server : Critial feature Administration user was not properly created - Virtual server creation halted.

I have just reinstalled vm pro with still no luck.

Any suggestions?

Operating system CentOS Linux 5.2
Webmin version 1.420
Virtualmin version 3.60 (Pro)

For some reason my postfix blew up on centos 5.2.

And, then:

I already had one website up and running and when I reinstalled postfix

One problem discovered! :wink:

Uninstalling and then reinstalling an RPM will do one of two (bad) things:

  1. Move your configuration files into .rpmsave files, and replace them with default versions.

  2. Delete your configuration files completely.

Thus, reinstalling software on a production system (or any system with configuration you’d like to keep) is almost always the wrong course of action. If you have a problem with the software…fix the problem. Reinstalling it is going to introduce new ones. Note that reinstalling Postfix after installation of Virtualmin will break the Postfix configuration for use by Virtualmin.

Creating administration group songvestdev .. .. administration group was created but does not exist!

So this is wholly unrelated to the re-installation of Postfix. Is ncsd running on your system? Does the group actually exist when you look in /etc/group? This looks like a problem with caches being out of sync. If you do have ncsd running, shut it down and try again. If you don’t have ncsd, I’m not sure.

I’d be happy to drop in on your box and take a look. You can contact me off-list at

Thanks, I just sent you the log in info.