enabled script installs

Hi all,

It’s early and hopefully I’ve just missed it. How do you enable script installs for the reseller and/or virtual server admin? I want to offer the scripts but not install them and then have to support them.


Hey Dan,

To be specific about which scripts are available:

In the Script Installers page (System Settings:Script Installers) check the boxes beside the scripts that you’d like to disable (since all are available by default), and then click the Disable Selected.

To enable or disable script installation for a specific domain:

Select the domain name from the dropdown or in the domain list on the Virtualmin main page.

Click "Edit Owner Limits" in the "Administration Options" menu.

Find the option labeled "Can install scripts" in the "Edit capabilities for virtual servers" section.

Interestingly, I don’t see a way to configure it for resellers. I’ll have to look into that a bit…I suspect we’ll want to add some additional configurability for Resellers with regard to Scripts.

hi Joe,

The install scripts comes through okay on the API. AWBS seems to correctly send that through for both the virtual server and the reseller so that is fine at that. Interesting that the API will set the function but the interface doesn’t for resellers.

There still is an API issue with building a virtual server with either AWStats, DAV, Mailman when selected and sent through the API it will not build those functions. I’d thought because they show up black in the manual server build that it might be an issue but then realized it’s only because they don’t have a help window associated with them.