That’s current/correct. I don’t know what to make of the error you’re getting. Is there anything in the kernel log (dmesg) related to this? Or whatever the apparmor log is? I’m grasping as straws here, as I can’t think of any reason for it to fail. The wrapper is so tiny, it has like five instructions, I can’t figure out how any of them could be illegal.
I don’t need a bunch of logs. You’d be looking for an event that happened at exactly the moment this error occurs. Nothing else matters.
So, trigger the error, and look for log entries that appear at that exact time. That’s the log entry (or maybe a couple/few log entries) I’d need to see.
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G1): A coronal mass ejection (CME) might graze Earth today. It was hurled into space by a strong solar flare (M6.8-class) on Jan. 29th. Although most of the CME will miss our planet, a NASA model suggests that its flank could deliver a glancing blow on Jan. 31st. If so, the impact could spark a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm. Aurora alerts: SMS Text
haha that’s a semi-reasonable if left field explanation!
I’ve had the exact error before so I will keep investigating, but thanks for the reply @ID10T !
I don’t think the system is stressed, but I’ll consider adding more resources once I finish the current round of moving stuff around. (This server is not being touched BTW)