Email is receiving but not sending

Hello. I also fail with SMTP.
April hasn’t failed. It fails on the server I installed the day before yesterday.

Virtualmin > System Settings > Server Templates > Default Settings > Mail for domain > Format for usernames that include domain

username-domain: OK

I want to use username@domain, but I don’t know how to do it in [?].

The username@domain option is not recommended unless you are migrating users from another system that already uses it. The Postfix mail server has problems with SMTP authentication by users with an @ in the username, and requires that an extra Unix user be created for each mailbox for mail delivery to work.

Please start new topics for new problems. Your question has nothing to do with this topic.

Which hosting provider you have? AWS or other

That’s off-topic for this thread. I’m closing it, so no one is tempted to keep going on a wholly unrelated direction. Creating new topics is free.