I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.
For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system
<anders@mxmail.pro>: host mail.mxmail.pro[] said: 554 5.7.1
<anders@mxmail.pro>: Recipient address rejected: SMTP AUTH is required for
users under this sender domain (in reply to RCPT TO command)
The host in the first line is what the vps was named when I got it but was directly changed to our domain name.
Postfix is disabled and port 25 closed but can that affect it? mail should go out over 587
The hostname should be a subdomain of your domain and not the domain name itself.
However the error message is:
You need to look into this.
I receive mail from Virtualmin when backups fail, so it works on a standard Virtualmin system (in which the hostname is correct, postfix is running and port 25 is open).
The host in the first line is what the vps was named when I got it but was directly changed to our domain name.
I have 5 servers, all with hostname of one of the domains on them. There is a lot of schools that say different. They all say though that the hostname should be a FQDN, nothing else
Its a problem if the shut down postfix and closed 25 is the problem, because the webshops dont have any problem sending mails over 587.
Well probably because postfix is running and 25 is open. It has nothing to do with hostname for sure. I have 2 other servers with hostname like the domain and they have no problem sending mail.
Just to clarify. I just changed the ssh port on another server we have with the same host. Added the port in the CSF and it worked directly. The only difference is that this server has ubuntu 22.04
I don’t know what schools you’re talking about. But, I would recommend you read even a tiny little bit of our documentation (the Download page, or a few pages of the Installation docs) to find that you should not name your server with the same name as a name you will be hosting virtually in Virtualmin.
Name your server literally any other FQDN than one you will be hosting virtually in Virtualmin.
You can google it and you get different answers.
I have used webmin since 2006 and all servers has had one of the FQDN as server name without any problem so I dont think really its a big deal that would affect email not sent
I use Virtualmin but dont host any mail, for that we have a dedicated email server without any CP. The webshops on the webservers send mail via php mailer over 587