Egroupware installation

| OS Version | Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS |

Virtualmin 7.10.0 Pro

I’m trying to install EGroupware in a subdomain of an existing virtual server (
When I check the installation everything has a green check, however, if I try to login as admin, or using on of the demo accounts, all the icons on the home page are greyed-out and no action is possible, not even a logout.
The Egroupware documentation does not seem to applyto the Virtualmin environment?
Can someone point out to a good installation tutorial, and possibly any logs to debug what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance, best regards,


a screenshot might help

I reckon that’s a question you should ask them:

I doubt it has anything to do with *min.

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I would guess your right, egroup software seems to offer stuff that is already built-in to virtualmin and usermin but if someone is happy with that, install it. However as it messes with stuff virtualmin/webmin manages it is not surprising it fails

Thank you for the replies.
Here’s the screenshot:
From what I’ve seen in their demo site, the bottom bar progresses as the applications are loaded.
I posted the question in the Virtualmin forum because I did the installation via the script available in Virtualmin Pro, so I was not expecting to bump into major issues.
I’ve tried the documentation section in Egroupware. Still, the installation method used in Virtualmin differs from what is described in their documents (i.e. the log files path).
At the moment I’m lost, and I was looking for someone who might have successfully installed the package and might have some hints…

We probably need to see the relevant error_log and PHP log for the domain from the time when a request is failing.

I don’t have any experience with eGroupware; it’s possible the installer has a problem. It doesn’t get much attention; I can’t remember the last time anyone talked about using it.

Thanks for the feedback Joe.

I don’t see anything in the domain php_log.
I thought EGroupware has its own log, but as indicated in my first post, the EGroupware documentation describes the “docker” version of the application, while Virtualmin installs the “traditional web” version for which I’m struggling to find the documentation.
All the best,


I see these preinstall issues.

I had a go installing, once get past that there are even more dependencies to install if you don’t have them

I think the issue is pear is run with the php version, ie the command pear doesn’t work but if you add the the php version it does work, so maybe the script doesn’t realize this.
Maybe this script should be removed, there web site only seems to support docker install.

Hi Stefan,
Thank you for trying to identify some of the issues, such as manually installing the “pear extensions”.
As indicated, the installation is not very smooth and needs many additional manual tweaks.
But as you can see in the attachment, I went through all the hurdles, and when using the “Check installation” all the checkboxes are green (apart from LDAP and PostgreSQL which I’m not using).
But even then, it still does not work :frowning:

I wonder what is missing…?

I gave up on it, too hard :slight_smile:

Maybe you need to use docker.

Thank you for your efforts Stefan.

I gave up as well, :face_exhaling: too much frustration and time-consuming.
It is a pity that this script (included in the Pro version of Virtualmin) does not seem to be working.

All the best,


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