Edit user fails changing details

OS type and version Ubuntu 22.04.5
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.30.3.gpl-1

I think that since latest update (Virtualmin xx to 7.30.3), I can’t change user details anymore.
After changing e-mailaddresses to forward to, and confirming with ‘save’, the changes revert to the old state. Just like I didn’t change anything.

This problem is only present when using the admin-user of the virtual server.
When using a superuser (webmin-admin), it works well.

Works fine for me, but I use root. See anything in the System Logs RS, using Webmin error log

Most people on modern distros will not have System Logs RS (I mean, they will have the module, but it will be in Unused Modules). That’s the version for rsyslog, which is not installed by default on any modern distribution.