Easy way to check if a GitHub fix has been applied to the current release

Is there an easy way on Github to see if a particular patch/fix has been applied in the current release of Webmin/Virtualmin?

The reason is so I can check if the changes in a commit are in the current release of Virtualmin/Webmin and if they are, I can check if it is working or I need to wait to the next version of the software.

As a rule of thumb the release notes will give the date of the release of the version you are using, as you use github quite a bit just check the dates on the commit,if the date of the commit is newer than your release you haven’t got the fix, unless you have run the webmin patch command on the github commit or you could perhaps setup to use nightly builds so you are on the latest, but I wouldn’t suggest you do that on production or staging just run up a virtualbox to test it out

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