Dolibarr installation and script files location

| OS type and version | Ubuntu Linux 22.04.5 |
| Webmin version | 2.202 |
| Virtualmin version | 7.20.2 Pro |
| Webserver version | Apache2 2.4.52 |
| Related packages | Wordpress, Dolibarr, OwnCloud, Moodle, Jitsi|

Hi Everyone,

I have installed Dolibarr version 19.0.3 in a dedicated subdomain using the corresponding Virtualmin Web app installer version 54.248.79.

Everything seems to be working fine, but I’ve bumped into an issue when trying to set up the cron job for Dolibarr scheduled tasks. According to the Dolibarr documentation, the script to run is:
But after searching for a while, this file doesn’t exist in the Virtualmin Web app installed version.

Any suggestions on how to solve this?

Thanks in advance, all the best,



I’m answering to myself I guess :slightly_smiling_face:

I took the wild approach and copied the script directly from the Dolibaar Github: cron_run_jobs.php into the corresponding Virtualmin Dolibarr installation directory /pub_html/cron
Then you need to edit the script because it contains a hardcoded path:
require_once $path.“…/…/htdocs/”;
which is incorrect for Virtualmin and has to be changed to:
require_once $path.“…/…/pub_html/”;

Then the script can be used as described in the Dolibarr documentation and seems to work fine.

The question mark is why it is not part of the installer, and what is going to happen on the first update; probably the change will be lost :thinking: :roll_eyes:

I would post this question to the link below this has nothing to do with virtualmin or webmin


I posted here because the issue is a consequence of the Virtualmin installer not installing the script in the first place.
I agree that the issue for the path is not related to Virtualmin, and this is already an open topic in the Dolibarr forum.

Best regards,
