Do we need to worry about upgrading Debian 10?

Has anyone done an in-place upgrade for Deb 10 to 11? Is it even something to have on the roadmap? How far ahead/behind? Thanks!

Place I’m at only had Debian 10 image when I started with them a year ago. So, I updated 10 and then went to 11, but that was a clean, minimal install.

Gotcha. What reasons did you have to warrant the upgrade? I’ve got no issue with 10 unless it becomes unstable or misses major security updates.

You will need to think about it.

As mentioned by @stefan1959, Debian 10 is safe to use until June this year, but you should have an upgrade plan in place before that.
I have multiple server that I’ve simply dist-upgraded from Debian 4 and 5, so you really shouldn’t worry too much.
Make a backup of course before upgrading, to be sure, but mostly Debian upgrades are rather painless.

Yes, I’am. From 10 to 11. In-place.
Here is my observations. Of course, I had backups made.
And next weekend I will probably go from 11 to 12. In-place :wink: .

This is not true, but I didn’t realize that at the time. Only packages from version 10 were offered for “apt autoremove”.

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