|Operating system|Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4|
|Webmin version|2.200|
BIND version 9.18
I was setting up the dns server on this box from scratch. It has two views and so far 6 zones in each view. The problem is that 1 week later when I went back to add more zones, The UI is showing 4 views instead of 2 and half the zone cannot be opened.
Zone xxx.com in view 2 does not exist!
Strangely, if I try again maybe it works and maybe it does not. The views are “Internal” and “External” sometimes the internals ones do not work and sometimes the external ones do not work. If I repeatedly go back and forth between the screen that lists a zone and the zone it will sometimes work.
Reading the URL when the zone page comes up the view # in the url keeps changing. If I try to change the url it instantly returns to the main bind page with the url https://xxxxxxxx:10000/bind8/?xnavigation=1. If I click refresh it also jumps back to the main bind page.