Deleted Email forwarding Through Virtualmin interface is still forwarding emails

In virtualmin>Edit Users>User>Mail Forwarding Settings

I disabled an email forward i had previously setup to keep an eye on a client account.

After about a week i then disabled this, by removing my email account from “Forward to other addresses”

I am still getting the forwarded emails from this same user account in my hotmail account. I have checked all of the users on the particular virtual server to ensure that none are forwarding to my hotmail account.

also, I have noticed that if forwarding is setup through virtualmin, it is not reflected in Usermin. If forwarding is setup through Usermin, it is not reflected in virtualmin. The two are not communicating with each other with email forwarding settings.

in terms of my main issue (ie stopped forwarding in virtualmin still being sent to my hotmail account) What could be causing this and how do i fix it?