Delete-script ...what does "--type" mean?

I can install RoundCube like this:

virtualmin install-script --domain [the-domain] --type roundcube --version latest --path / --db mysql [domains_database]

I can list this script like this:

virtualmin list-scripts --domain [the-domain]

ID Description Version URL path
172969214919409771 RoundCube 1.6.9 /

I cannot delete the script like with any of these though:

virtualmin delete-script --domain [the-domain] --type RoundCube
virtualmin delete-script --domain [the-domain] --type RoundCube --version 1.6.9
virtualmin delete-script --domain [the-domain] --type RoundCube --version 1.6.9 --deregister

They all give me:

No script install for RoundCube was found for this virtual server

Un-installs a third-party script from some virtual server.

virtualmin delete-script --domain
[–type name --version number] |
[–id number]

But this works:

virtualmin delete-script --domain [the-domain] --id 172969214919409771
Now un-installing RoundCube version 1.6.9 …
RoundCube directory and tables deleted.
… done

So what is the “–type”?

OS type and version Ubuntu 24.04.1
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

roundcube, not RoundCube. See virtualmin list-scripts --all-domains --multiline command output.

surely we don’t get so picky about the case of commands?

Duh. Thank you!

Agreed! @Jamie, I think we should just test it in a case-insensitive manner…

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Maybe - currently it matches on the short name of the script which is always a single word lower case. The “friendly” name may be mixed case and is frequently longer.

and we are left to guess? or is there a list of “short names” somewhere (missed/beyond me)

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No, don’t guess. Use virtualmin | grep script to find the appropriate subcommand, like virtualmin list-available-scripts --name-only, which lists all suitable names for the type.

You could also retrieve it with --multiline flag like this:

virtualmin list-available-scripts --multiline | grep -E '^\S+'

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