cURL error 35: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number

Running a fresh install of Rocky 9.1 with virtualmin 7.5 and have a wordpress site where the cron jobs fail to run. Wordpress reports the following error -

REST API Endpoint:
REST API Response: (http_request_failed) cURL error 35: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number

All similar results I can find on the web point to some issue with curl or the host and I cannot find any direction how to troubleshoot or resolve. Any advice appreciated.


What happens when you visit the page directly in your browser?

*** Responses may be delayed as I’m in the field today (on the road) ***

This is the repsponse i get

{“code”:“rest_forbidden_context”,“message”:“Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.”,“data”:{“status”:401}}

I found this too on the root domain for some reason. All other domains work fine.
Ok I just fixed by changing the server name to, error gone.

I managed to make a little progress and found that the lo interface didn’t exist for some reason so manually created this which helped with some issues but the main error above persists. The server name is specified in full. If I try to setup a seperate cron job for wordpress running as the virtualmin account I get this error which could be related - again I could use any pointers to help troubleshoot this.

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate
More details here: curl - SSL CA Certificates

In wp health do you see this?

Thanks for the reply. Now that I have added the loopback interface (this solved the ‘your site could not complete a loopback request’) the error has changed slightly, but yes I get these reports from the wp site health.

And is your hostname in Network Configuratipn the same as the domain name as that what causes the issue on my server.

@stefan1959 Thanks again for the reply. My webserver hostname is correct and includes the domain name. I just tried adding the virtual hosts domain name into the host addresses for the local ip address and this may have solved it though! The error seems to have gone from Wordpress. Clearly it is an issue with DNS lookup. I will give it some time and review if the cron events are now working as expected. Thanks again for the replies.

The issue is the Hostname and domain name of the wordpress being the same.
Ie the hostname and also the hostaddresses are and you have a WP using the same name you will get the error.
Solution change hostname in your network section to say so they don’t match.

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