CSF Correct installation?

Hello, I would like to install CSF on Ubuntu 24.04. It’s a clean OS with Virtualmin installed. I found this guide, but it’s a bit unclear:

Should I uninstall iptables, or do I need to do anything beyond the instructions in the file? Also, when I enable CSF, it causes the panel to stop working, and the list of ports is empty.

OS type and version 24.04
Webmin version 2.20.2
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

No you don’t uninstall iptables as CSF uses iptable not firewalld. The install script will do that for you.

Nothing should stop working, maybe 24.04 is not supported as doc say 22.04 is the latest.

Looks like Rocky or AlmaLinux might be better OS for CSF

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Im reinstall CSF in module settings and manualy change port to

TCP_IN = “20,21,22,53,80,443,2222,10000,20000,555”
TCP_OUT = “20,21,22,53,80,443,2222,10000,20000,555”
UDP_IN = “53,10000,20000”
UDP_OUT = “53,10000,20000”

amd all work perfect :slight_smile: ( i think lol )

Server Score: 33/39*

I’m just a little worried about the default settings that immediately ban perms.

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here are some pre-configured profiles that you can try that quicken setup.

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temp + some manual settings and all work perfect
thanx !

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