Cron error on SpamAssassin rules

Dear Community,

Virtualmin returns since yesterday an error message saying:

config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule USER_IN_ALLOWLIST_TO
channel: lint check of update failed, channel failed
sa-update failed for unknown reasons

Got this message twice and cannot link it to any change, since no change occured on the server since months. Moreover, as we don’t use the embedded mail server (external Exchange server), I suppose SpamAssassin is not event active. Can anyone provide a clue on this?

Thanks in advance on any help!

Looks like a recent bug in SpamAssain.

Not sure if a new version of SA has been pushed out to your distro.

Thanks a lot for this quick answer! Looks like a bug indeed, so I’ll live with it until the next release for Debian 10…

Thanks again!

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