Creating differential TAR file of home directory .. .. TAR failed! cat: write error: Input/output error

OS type and version Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.202
Webserver version 2.4.52
Related packages SUGGESTED

My scheduled backup does not work… comes back with I/O error. I have change changed the tmp file location… still not working. see the full error below:

Creating differential TAR file of home directory …
… TAR failed! cat: write error: Input/output error.

Kindly advice

Where are you doing the backup , in Virtuamin Backup and Restore?
Whats name are you giving the backup?

The name is system default names. I only provide the backup location.

so are you using the virtualmin backup & restore function or the webmin backup function ?

I am using Virtualmin backup & restore. I have created a schedule here

What are you naming the backup?

I did a tar backup with no issues.

All backups take the default name of the virtual server.

is the location another drive? Everything looks ok except its a location I would not backup to.

location is a cloud drive

ok, that maybe the issue.

… so I moved my backup location to my VPS Server where virtual min is installed It still failed. Exactly same error

Do you have plenty of storage, I’ve tested and no issue and do daily backups to AWS. Something on your system is causing a issue and not sure what.
Are you running as root?

yes am running as root

in your screenshot you do not have create destination directory checked, try checking that and running again