Create LE certificate fails

Thanks, that was the trick.

Along with the firewall and that one server had httpd running for no good reason that I recall - which tied up port 80.

Would it also be possible for the certificate to include Usermin - port 20000 ?
Is there something I can do to fix that?

I just copied the 3 LE lines from webmin miniserv to usermin miniserv. Working now.

That’s the default behavior in Virtualmin. If you connect to Usermin with a name that matches a domain managed by Virtualmin that has a certificate, it’ll use that cert.

This is a Webmin only system, on which I also use Usermin.

Is usermin using a FQDN that matches the certificates?

Using whereas webmin uses

It works, but you need to tell Usermin where to find the LE certificate once you have created it for Webmin.

My request is just to also add the lines to usermin miniserv if that file exists.

But it’s no problem to do it manually either.

Didn’t think the port had anything to do with it.

It appears to on a webmin only system the fix is to add the ssl to the usermin config as stated earlier

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I permanently install mini-httpd on every “only webmin” servers. And domain validation working corectly with certbot with FQDN name on that server.

You don’t need an extra web server. certbot has a standalone mode that handles the validation (but only if something isn’t already listening on port 80). Webmin recently got the ability to use that mode.

But on cloudmin installation I not have certbot installed. Only acme-tiny from webmin. And this support standalone mode? Because this wants use /var/www/html too.

No, acme-tiny does not. You should install certbot. acme-tiny was only ever intended to fill the gap when certbot isn’t available, but if you have certbot in OS repos and you’re on a reasonably up to date OS, no reason not to use it.

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Thx. If certbot installed, it is default. Yes?

If it’s only Webmin, then no, certbot isn’t installed as neither required nor recommended package; you’d need to manually install the certbot package, which Webmin would use if it’s installed.

Ok, I got it. My question was: if I install certbot on pure webmin system, webmin will automatically prefer certbot over acme-tiny. Thx for response.

Yes, that’s right.

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