CPu Temps in R/H Slider

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.202
Usermin version 2.102
Theme version 21.20.7

In the light theme cpu temps look like this


in the dark theme they look like this
I don’t mind which way they look as long as it is consistent across both themes

they cant look the same, dark theme/light theme.

Do you meant that core 4 is on a new line?

That’s correct, that is the difference between the 2 images, mind you taking off 1px on the padding of the elements works

.badge-custom.xs, #system-status .badge-custom, .right-side-tabs .tab-pane .info-container .badge-custom {
    padding: 1.5px 4.8px; /* was 5.8px */


If you get chance, have a look at the html/css and see if you can see any differences and post the code would speed it getting fixed.