cPanel MariaDB 10.3.39 to Webmin MariaDB version 10.5.22

OS type and version AlmaLinux 9.5
Virtualmin version 7.30.2

In moving from cPanel to Virtualmin, any pointers/resources on best practices to move existing databases (MyISAM engine) from
cPanel MariaDB 10.3.39 to Webmin MariaDB version 10.5.22 ?

There is no such thing as “Webmin Mariadb”, there is just “Mariadb”. It’s the one provided by your OS.

And, the process of migrating is always a dump and restore. But, if you make domain backups in cPanel, you can migrate those to Virtualmin using the Add Servers->Migrate Virtual Server page. We support importing cPanel backups, which will restore the database(s) from the dump in the backup.

You can also upgrade to a more recent version of mariadb on alma 9.5

dnf module install mariadb:10.11/server

you should also update the DB’s, otherwise things like Virtualmin Backups will fail:

mysql_upgrade -u root -p

They’re already worried about going to the slightly newer version provided by Alma, so maybe don’t make it more complicated with random upgrades.

Fair enough but one could argue to get it over with now, 10.11 has support to 2028 instead of 2025 of 10.5.

I know this does not strictly apply because of RHEL backporting efforts, but not all features make it.

Depends on what you need.

Going on the redhat docs the command is dnf module switch-to mariadb:10.11

see below. Also the service should be stopped before running the command, if I going to try these commands it would be on a development machine first.

Configuring and using database servers | Red Hat Product Documentation

P.S. Tested and works fine on a dev machine, one command I had a issue with was mariadb-upgrade it needs a username and password so use mariadb-upgrade -u root -p

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