Config check error—Virtualmin could not work out the default IPv4 address

The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available and properly configured …

Your system has 23.44 GiB of memory, which is at or above the Virtualmin recommended minimum of 1 GiB

BIND DNS server is installed

Mail server Postfix is installed and configured

Postfix is configured to support per-domain outgoing IP addresses

Apache is installed

Apache supports HTTP/2 on your system

The following CGI script execution modes are available : suexec fcgiwrap

The following PHP execution modes are available : fpm fcgid cgi

The following PHP versions are available : 7.4.3 (/bin/php-cgi7.4)

The following PHP-FPM versions are available : 7.4.3 (php7.4-fpm)

Apache is configured to host SSL websites

MariaDB 10.3.39 is installed and running

Logrotate is installed

SpamAssassin and Procmail are installed and configured for use

Plugin AWStats reporting is installed

Plugin Protected web directories is installed

Plugin Virtualmin Support is installed

Using network interface ens192 for virtual IPs

Virtualmin could not work out the default IPv4 address for virtual servers on your system. You will need to update either the Network interface for virtual addresses or Default virtual server IP address fields on the module configuration page

… your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin

Do you have a question? Have you looked at the page you are being directed to?

1 Like

What OS are you using that php7 is the default package?

Yeah, that’s pretty alarming. I guess this is a very old OS, which isn’t a good idea for a new deployment.