Cloudmin services and csf firewall

centos 7 with all latest updates CentOS Linux 7.9.2009
latest cloudmin 9.2 webmin 1.983

i have installed a fresh cloudmin on a new server, and i can se the cloudmin services under virtualmin settings. but on my old secondary the same link goes to the pannel af the csf firewall!!! WHY ?
on my new server i have not installed the csf firewall.

can any try this and confirm this ???

its only on the cloudmin host

ok i have installed the csf firewall on my new cloudminserver and the issue with ser cloudmin services is gone, but i will try so setup a second server with the same csf firewall, so when this is also working you can close the ticket

yum reinstall wbm-cloudmin-services -y
has helped

ok i have installed no the csf firewall on my new server, and its working, csf is working and the cloudmin services are working.

That was a bug on CSF module side. I have submitted a patch. Hopefully this will no longer be an issue with CSF 14.16+.

ah ok super thanks :slight_smile:

Here is the patch which I posted to their forums asking to include it to the next release.

Also, you could manually patch /usr/local/csf/lib/ConfigServer/ file and replace lines starting with 1995 and ending with 2007 with the following code:

if (defined $ENV{WEBMIN_VAR} and defined $ENV{WEBMIN_CONFIG} and defined $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}) {
  eval "use WebminCore";
  if (!$@) {
    # This is very important to make sure that the working directory is
    # actually ConfigServer Security & Firewall Webmin module directory
    my %csf_module_info;
    &read_file('', \%csf_module_info);
    if ((defined $csf_module_info{'name'} and $csf_module_info{'name'} =~ /^csf/i) or
        (defined $csf_module_info{'desc'} and $csf_module_info{'desc'} =~ /ConfigServer\s+Security\s+&\s+Firewall/i)) {
      unless (-l "index.cgi") {
        unlink "index.cgi";
        my $status = symlink ("/usr/local/csf/lib/webmin/csf/index.cgi","index.cgi");
        if ($status and -l "index.cgi") {
          symlink ("/usr/local/csf/lib/webmin/csf/images","csfimages");
          print "<p>ConfigServer Security & Firewall symlinked to use actual module files from <tt>/usr/local/csf/lib/webmin/csf</tt> directory. Please click <a href='index.cgi'>here</a> to go to the module.</p>\n";
        } else {
          print "<p>Failed to symlink ConfigServer Security & Firewall <tt>/usr/local/csf/lib/webmin/csf</tt> module directory </p>\n";

Otherwise, do not full reload the page page on CSF module. It will break things.

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The latest version of ConfigServer Security & Firewall 14.16 fixes this issue.