Cloudmin local storage size

OS type and version CentOS Linux 7.9.2009
Webmin version 2.101
Cloudmin version 9.7 Pro
Theme version 21.04
Package updates 17 package updates are available

Hi i have a issue again with the local storage, i will move a vm to another host but it say,
Moving KVM system from to …
The host system is not suitable : An extra 808.87 MiB free disk space is needed to create this system (the vm is 99GB)
But the host disk usage says: 302.24 GiB of 558.45 GiB local storage
The vm is moved to the other host in the nfs storage, but default storage is local

when i remove a vm the diskspace is not reloading for localstorage (for the specific server)
so the 98.89 are not correct
the same when the default is shared (nfs) storage for the host

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